Men’s Fellowship

Men’s Fellowship Breakfasts

The men of the Church get together throughout the year for an early morning breakfast and to listen to a speaker. They are usually held early on Saturday mornings. A guest speaker is invited and this is a great time of fellowship among men.

The next Men’s Fellowship Breakfast is on Saturday 15th June 2024 from  8:00 am – 9:30 am

The Guest speaker is Mr Christian Nobleza, a young Christian leader  and Manager of the Emerging leaders and Creatives of the Catholic Archdiocese of Canberra and Gouldburn. He will share his insights an thoughts on Sowing for a Great Awakening

A cooked breakfast will be served at a cost of $10.00.

Please RSVP to the Church Office by lunchtime on 16th February. We want to be sure we have plenty of food.

The church office contact details are (02) 6295 3457 or email: