

The Church of St Andrew supports the mission work of the Presbyterian Church of Australia. The church prayerfully and financially supports people who are working in different areas of mission activity and outreach.
  • AIM – taking the Gospel to Indigenous Australians.
  • Central Africa with mother tongue literacy and church planting.
  • Pioneers – serving Aboriginal churches through training Lay leaders.
  • Minority group language and literacy in Asia.
  • Fusion in Tasmania, working with youth.
  • APWM – for the Mount Druitt Indigenous church in Western Sydney.
  • Presbyterian Inland Mission.
  • Christian Education in Government Schools in ACT.
  • Chaplains in Government Schools in ACT.

Meet Some of the Missionary Familes

The Rowe family, FUSION Tasmania


Working with FUSION they support youth and families to succeed through programs, days away, mentoring, and accommodation. Their vegetable gardens are an important resource for the local communities, especially as the Dept of Health releases figures that outline that only 10% of Tasmanians regularly eat enough fruit and vegetables on a weekly basis.



“… we’re excited to be starting this new initiative with a new generation of young people. While technology is serving our teens in ways we could never have dreamt of, it’s also taking them away from engaging with the world around them. This [initiative] is about restoring the balance.”



The Quinn family, outback Australia

Speaking at an Aboriginal church (2024)


Missionary Action Group (MAG)

Our team of volunteers on the Missionary Action Group (MAG) organise fundraising and awareness raising events and activities each year. These include:

  • Weekly prayer points in the church bulletin often
  • Monthly Mission and Information prayer meetings
  • Annual “Meal for Mission” in June, proceeds for a specific activity.
  • International fundraising evening
  • Choral fund raising afternoon
  • Mission Dinner

The Missions Committee seeks to maintain a high-level of mission focus for the Church of St Andrew by encouraging ongoing prayer, interest and financial support for the missionaries and outreach activities of the church. In this way, St Andrew’s seeks to provide a wide-ranging base of mission and outreach in service for the Lord.

Further inquiries and information can be obtained by contacting the Missions Convenor, Jenny L, via the church office on (02) 6295 3457 or email: office@standrewscanberra.com