More words of Welcome
Our Senior Minister, Rev David Campbell, welcomes you to St Andrew’s:
We are a church within the denomination of the Presbyterian Church of Australia and form part of the Presbyterian Church in NSW.
St Andrew’s is a Pastoral Charge which consists of St Andrew’s and two other congregations known as Weston Creek and Belconnen. St Andrew’s Church is prominently located within the parliamentary triangle of Canberra. The church sits on State Circle which surrounds Parliament House on Capital Hill. St Andrew’s was built in the early 1930’s and opened in September 1934.
The building is characterised by its gothic architecture which makes it one of the most beautiful churches in Canberra. The church is easily seen from every vantage point with its tall spire sitting alongside the tower of Parliament House which is a fitting symbol of the relationship between Church and State.
The church’s vision statement is: ‘The church at the heart of the nation with the nation at its heart’
In addition to its regular services St Andrew’s frequently hosts Parliamentary Services and other significant services in the life of the Canberra community.
Our worship is diverse encompassing both traditional and contemporary styles depending on the type of service.
Recently we planted an Indonesian congregation which meets monthly.
Please feel free to explore our website which will give you a glimpse into who we are, what we do, and why we do it.
You will find ways of how to be connected to and involved with our church life.
Feel free to contact us with any queries or questions you have.
We look forward to meeting you and getting to know you. You can be assured of a warm welcome to each of our churches.
Enjoy your search.
Rev David Campbell
Senior Minister